Root canal treatment is relatively common, with millions of people receiving this type of procedure every year. This procedure is relatively painless and extremely effective at restoring comfort and strength to a damaged tooth.
Many people think of a tooth as a hard, white mass. The inside of a tooth is actually comprised of a soft material called the pulp, and it is filled with nerves, blood vessels, and connective tissues. When this inner pulp becomes damaged or infected, it can lead to severe problems. The tooth may even need to be removed entirely if the damage is severe enough. Root canal treatment is designed to restore a tooth that has developed this type of damage and save it from extraction.
The most common reasons for a tooth’s inner pulp to experience an infection are from a very deep cavity or some type of oral trauma. Most people who require a root canal will immediately know that something is very wrong with the affected tooth. Some of the most common symptoms associated with an infected root canal include:
The first step when providing root canal treatment is to take digital X-rays of the affected tooth allowing us to see the extent of the infection. We will then provide the patient with sedation to help them remain relaxed and comfortable during the procedure. Wauchula Dental offers oral sedation, laughing gas and local anesthesia as methods of sedation. The final preparation is to place a dental dam around the tooth. This is a special rubber sheet that will keep the tooth dry and prevent the infection from spreading during the procedure.
After the preparations have been made, we will use advanced tools to access the inside of the tooth from the top. Once inside, we will clean out the tooth’s inner structure and remove any infected material. We will then flush out the root canals using an antimicrobial liquid. This will clean the tooth down to the root surface. A special medicated filling substance will then be applied to provide the treated tooth with strength and integrity. This will also help encourage faster healing. Finally, a dental crown will be applied over the tooth to prevent any fractures or breakages from occurring. The patient should be able to use the tooth normally once the recovery process is complete.
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